When Will It Ever Stop?

We need stricter gun control and better metal health programs that work… These travesties will continually happen if something is not done. I said to my husband this morning that “The Government should ban all sales of AR-15 guns” He rolled his eyes in opposition. He knows how much I dislike guns and how his guns have affected my life. I have written in past blogs about gun control and the ATF.

Why My Husband Should Not Be A Gun Owner

Why My Husband Should Not Be A Gun Owner Part 2


This subject is very heavy on my heart. My prayers go out to all of the people in Broward County, Florida.






I wrote in a previous post that my husband had a Federal Fire Arms License. One of the reasons he wanted this license was because, gun sales were spiking. My husband would buy guns from one of his distributors and in return double the price on the open market. His close friend was his main distributor. He would give my husband a phenomenal price on all of his guns that he bought.

My husband had a special room at his company where he did all of his gun sales. He had stock piles of guns. I was amazed on how many he had. They were not handguns. They were machine guns. The type of weapons used in the military. I did not take part in these transactions. I did not want anything to do with this. The only thing, my husband forced me to do, was sign my mother in-laws name on the Federal Fire Arms Application. That was against all of my morals. However, my husband’s lack of empathy showed that he would stop at nothing to get his way.

The numerous gun transactions made me incredibly uncomfortable. My husband had to keep books on EVERYTHING. Consequently, I knew he was incapable of doing so. He is an incredibly unorganized person. His office is full of papers, receipt, books, boxes, and garbage. I was never going to offer my help, for his lack of documentation. I could wash my hands of this but, I knew he couldn’t.

One summer afternoon an ATF agent walks into our business. I knew right away why he was there. I started to shake uncontrollably. I knew I did nothing wrong. However, I was in fear of my husband’s lack of bookkeeping skills. The first thing that the agent asked was to see my husband’s books. Well, my husband showed him what he had….Which was next to nothing. The ATF agent was extremely upset at my husband. The agent gave him 2 weeks to get his books in order. The agent also told my husband that his Federal Fire Arms License is automatically revoked and he will have extreme consequences if he can not provide all the documentation and sales in his books.

I told my husband how extremely worried I was about this. His comment to me was,”Why? This has nothing to do with you A! Why are you so worried? This is nothing!”

Really? My husband is trying to tell me that having an ATF agent giving him 2 weeks to get his books in order or he is going to have other consequences! This shouldn’t worry me? Who does my husband think I am? Of course this brought tremendous stress on me. Especially when this happened a month after my sister in-laws death. I did not think I could experience another stressful event.

My husband spent many hours getting all of the paperwork organized and the books in order. My husband confessed to me and said, “This was the best thing that could happen. This was pulling me down. I was not writing anything down because, I didn’t have time. I was too busy working and being with you and the girls.”

Yes, I knew he would blame me for his issue with the ATF. Why wouldn’t he?

Two weeks later the ATF agent came back to look at everything. To my amazement my husband completed everything the ATF agent asked him to do. The agent took all of my husband’s paperwork and left.

Even though that was an incredibly stressful experience it was also one of the best things that could have happened. I know my husband was getting into things way over his head. If it would have continued, it would have jeopardized a lot more. My husband will continually think he is above the law. Why wouldn’t he? He has had cop friends who have ripped up speeding tickets for him! Just like in the movie, “The Lord Of War” Nicolas Cage picked guns over his family. My husband has done the same.




Why My Husband Should Not Be A Gun Owner Part 2

In one of my previous posts I stated why my husband should not be a gun owner. He is an owner of an arsenal of guns. He use to have his Federal Fire Arms License but that was taken away from him by the ATF. Thank Goodness! Yes, he sold guns to people who were suffering from PTSD. This was not a good idea and I was very upset by this. However, my husband does not listen to a word that I say. He simply ignored my pleas.

After yesterday’s church shooting I am sickened with sadness. Sadness for the people who died in that tragedy. Sadness for their families. Sadness for America. As American’s we stereotype people. We assume the gangbangers and thugs are polluting the American culture and they should not have guns. Yet, we over look the people who do not have a criminal history. Who have families and are educated. Who have a secret side to them. These people fool everyone and they look like the average Joe. These people are very calculated people who are mentally ill. They are sometimes abusive to their spouses or compulsive liars.

These types of people are the ONES who are being overlooked. Just because, they live in a nice house, drive a nice car, and have a picture perfect family should not make these types of people innocent or overlooked.

I know many people who are gun owners and I can tell you right now that 50% of them SHOULD not own a gun. I believe in the right to bear arms. However, we truly need stricter gun laws to deprive the cunning and abusive people to own one.